Panel data analysis of "produc" data using three models
Analyzing which model is best suited:
pFtest : for determining between fixed and pooled
plmtest : for determining between pooled and random
phtest: for determining between random and fixed
Loading data:
> data(Produc , package ="plm")
> head(Produc)
Pooled Affect Model
> pool <- plm(log(pcap)~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) + log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp) , data =Produc, model=("pooling"), index = c("state","year"))
> summary(pool)
data: log(pcap) ~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) + log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp)
F = 56.6361, df1 = 47, df2 = 761, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: significant effects
alternative hypothesis: significant effects
alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent
Analyzing which model is best suited:
pFtest : for determining between fixed and pooled
plmtest : for determining between pooled and random
phtest: for determining between random and fixed
Loading data:
> data(Produc , package ="plm")
> head(Produc)
Pooled Affect Model
> pool <- plm(log(pcap)~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) + log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp) , data =Produc, model=("pooling"), index = c("state","year"))
> summary(pool)
Fixed Affect Model:
> fixed <- plm(log(pcap)~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) +
log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp) , data =Produc,
model=("within"), index = c("state","year"))
> summary(fixed)
Random Affect Model:
> random <- plm(log(pcap)~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) +
log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp) , data =Produc,
model=("random"), index = c("state","year"))
> summary(random)
The comparison between the models would be a Hypothesis testing based on the following concept:
H0: Null Hypothesis: the individual index and time based params are all zero
H1: Alternate Hypothesis: atleast one of the index and time based params is non zero
Pooled vs Fixed
Null Hypothesis: Pooled Affect Model
Alternate Hypothesis : Fixed Affect Model
> pFtest(fixed,pool)
F = 56.6361, df1 = 47, df2 = 761, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: significant effects
Since the p value is negligible so we reject the Null Hypothesis and hence Alternate hypothesis is accepted which is to accept Fixed Affect Model.
Pooled vs Random
Null Hypothesis: Pooled Affect Model
Alternate Hypothesis: Random Affect Model
Command :
> plmtest(pool)
Lagrange Multiplier Test - (Honda)
data: log(pcap) ~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) + log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp)
normal = 57.1686, p-value < 2.2e-16alternative hypothesis: significant effects
Since the p value is negligible so we reject the Null Hypothesis and hence Alternate hypothesis is accepted which is to accept Random Affect Model.
Random vs Fixed
Null Hypothesis: No Correlation . Random Affect Model
Alternate Hypothesis: Fixed Affect Model
> phtest(fixed,random)
Hausman Test
data: log(pcap) ~ log(hwy) + log(water) + log(util) + log(pc) + log(gsp) + log(emp) + log(unemp)
chisq = 93.546, df = 7, p-value < 2.2e-16alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent
Since the p value is negligible so we reject the Null Hypothesis and hence Alternate hypothesis is accepted which is to accept Fixed Affect Model.
Hence the Fixed model is most suited for panel data analysis of the data"Produc".
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